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I have been athletic my whole life – soccer, cheerleading, track and field, backyard football, you name it. I had the occasional lapse in my exercising habits, but I always came back to sports as a way to make and maintain friendships, and stay sane in the very un-sane world of academia.

On May 9, 2010, I was playing soccer, as I did every Sunday, when a little scuffle for the ball resulted in a traumatic knee injury. At the time I didn’t worry too much about it. I had been fouled a million times fighting over a soccer ball. I had no idea how bad it was until I met my (wonderful) surgeon. I tore my ACL, dislocated my patella, and stretched out pretty much every muscle, ligament, and tendon in my right knee. I cried the whole drive home. I was sure my athletic life was over.

I had surgery a few weeks later. I woke up from surgery asking when I could run again. I was as surprised as anyone. Though I ran often and well, I had never thought of myself as much of a runner.  Nonetheless, my focus was on getting back to running. I was a woman possessed. In November of 2011, I was given my doctors’ permission to begin running. It was horrible. It hurt like crazy and I felt a bit like Inspector Gadget when a gadget limb malfunctioned. That first day I ran for 2 minutes. I was exhausted, but I have never felt more free. I have found more love, enjoyment, and peace from running than I ever thought I might.

The process of becoming a runner (again, or for the first time, maybe) has been difficult, wonderful, and life-changing. In the time since surgery, I’ve returned to running and fitness, suffered through the first early months of running when every run is torture, found a new appreciation for running, met great running friends, and even become a running coach. I’m not stopping there. This blog is dedicated to chronicling the next phase in my running journey – wherever that takes me.

You can email me at DrRachelRuns at gmail dot com. You can also find me on Twitter or Facebook.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. January 20, 2012 6:01 am

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, I’ve added your blog to my blogroll x x 🙂

  2. January 26, 2012 7:50 pm

    Great story. Good luck with your ambitious schedule! I’ll be following along.

  3. March 25, 2012 9:53 am

    I was awarded the honor of the Liebster Award. I’m passing it on to you. Thank you.

    The Liebster Award

  4. June 13, 2012 9:06 pm

    Hi! I nominated you for (which means you receive) an Inspiring Blog Award.

    I’ve provided a link on my blog to yours, along with the reasons I nominated/awarded you. Or at least as much of “the reasons” as I can manage to put into words. Follow the rather flexible rules of the award (outlined on my blog) if you will. In any case, this gave me the opportunity to let you know that I really do appreciate your blog and the time you take in writing it!

  5. July 18, 2012 4:38 pm

    Just stumbled across your blog! I too tore my ACL while playing soccer. It was devastating, but now I am on my way to becoming the athlete and runner I have always wanted to be!


    • July 18, 2012 4:52 pm

      How long ago did you tear your ACL? What kind of reconstruction did you do? Faux-CL friends, unite!

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